Knitting Pattern Love the Earth Baby Cardi



SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate

0-6 months (6-12 months, 12-18 months, 2-3 years, 4 years)
Finished Chest 18 1/2 (20, 22, 23 1/2, 25) in. (47 (51, 56, 59.5, 63.5) cm) excluding front borders
Finished Length 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) in. (23 (25.5, 28, 30.5, 33) cm)

CORRECTIONS: (applied Apr 15, 2009)

Row 8: Work 4 sts in Seed st, *knit to 1 st before next marker, yo, k1, slip marker, k1, yo; rep from * 3 more times, knit to last 4 sts, work 4 sts in Seed st - 76 (82, 88, 94, 100) sts.

Love the Earth Baby Cardi

Lion Brand® Recycled Cotton


19 sts + 24 rows = 4 in. (10 cm) in St st (k on RS, p on WS). BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE. When you match the gauge in a pattern, your project will be the size specified in the pattern and the materials specified in the pattern will be sufficient. If it takes you fewer stitches and rows to make a 4 in. [10 cm] square, try using a smaller size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try a larger size hook or needles.


Seed Stitch (multiple of 2 sts + 1)
Row 1 (RS): *K1, p1; rep from * to last st, k1.
Row 2: Purl the k sts and knit the p sts.
Rep Row 2 for Seed st.


Cardigan is worked in one piece from the neck down.

Cast on 51 (57, 63, 69, 75) sts. Work in Seed st for 2 (2, 2, 2 1/2, 2 1/2) in. (5 (5, 5, 6.5, 6.5) cm).
Row 1 (WS): Work 4 sts in Seed st, (knit 2 sts together) to last 5 sts, k1, work 4 sts in Seed st – 30 (33, 36, 39, 42) sts.
Rows 2-4: Keeping 4 sts at each edge in Seed st, work 3 rows in Rev St st (p on RS, k on WS).
Row 5: Work 4 sts in Seed st, p into front and then back of each st to last 4 sts, work 4 sts in Seed st – 52 (58, 64, 70, 76) sts.
Row 6 (RS): Cast on 4 sts, work in Seed st over these 4 sts for front border, k8 (9, 10, 11, 12), yo, k1, place marker, k1, yo, k6 (7, 8, 9, 10), yo, k1, place marker, k1, yo, k16 (18, 20, 22, 24), yo, k1, place marker, k1, yo, k6 (7, 8, 9, 10), yo, k1, place marker, k1, yo, k8 (9, 10, 11, 12), cast on 4 sts for front border – 68 (74, 80, 86, 92) sts.
Row 7: Work 4 sts in Seed st, slipping markers purl to last 4 sts, work 4 sts in Seed st.
Row 8: Work 4 sts in Seed st, *knit to 1 st before next marker, yo, k1, slip marker, k1, yo; rep from * 3 more times, knit to last 4 sts, work 4 sts in Seed st – 76 (82, 88, 94, 100) sts.
Row 9: Rep Row 7.
Rep last 2 rows 11 (12, 13, 14, 15) more times – 164 (178, 192, 206, 220) sts.
Divide for Body and Sleeves (RS): Work 26 (28, 30, 32, 34) sts as established for Left Front and place these sts on holder; work next 34 (37, 40, 43, 46) sts for first Sleeve (do not place on holder); work next 44 (48, 52, 56, 60) sts for Back and place these sts on holder; work next 34 (37, 40, 43, 46) sts for second Sleeve and place these sts on holder; work remaining 26 (28, 30, 32, 34) sts for Right Front and place these sts on holder. Cut yarn.

With WS facing, working across first Sleeve sts only, join yarn and work in St st (k on RS, p on WS), decrease 1 st each edge every 4th (4th, 6th, 6th, 6th) row 4 (4, 4, 5, 6) times – 26 (29, 32, 33, 34) sts.
Work even until Sleeve measures 4 1/4 (5, 6, 8, 9) in. (11 (12.5, 15, 20.5, 23) cm) from dividing row, end with a WS row. Work 4 rows in Seed st. Bind off.
With WS facing, place sts for second Sleeve Back onto needle and work as for first Sleeve.

With WS facing, place sts for Left Front, Back and Right Front onto needle, join yarn and work in pattern as established until piece measures 3 3/4 (4 1/2, 5, 5 3/4, 6 1/2) in. (9.5 (11.5, 12.5, 14.5, 16.5) cm) from joining row, end with a WS row – 96 (104, 112, 120, 128) sts. Work 4 rows in Seed st. Bind off.

Sew Sleeve seams. Weave in ends.
Cut a strand of yarn 3 yds. (3 m) long; fold in half. Secure folded end around door knob. Twist other end until taut and yarn begins to twist back on itself. Release end from door knob. Bring ends together and let cord twist on itself, smoothing to even the twist. Knot ends. Weave cord through neck sts. Knot ends.

Click for explanation and illustration
k = knit p = purl
RS = right side St st = Stockinette stitch
st(s) = stitch(es) WS = wrong side
yo = yarn over

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