If you grew up in Britain or the United States, you may well think of crochet as principally a leisure or recreational activity. While it is true that crochet as a craft is often done for pleasure, and of course the satisfaction that comes from creating something new, it does also have a serious side too - in some parts of the world, crochet is a cottage industry, and be quite economically important.
The basic idea behind crochet is to use a crochet hook (a needle with a hook at one end), to pull a thread or yarn through knotted loops, thus creating a fabric from the thread or yarn. There are quite a variety of different types of hooks available, and a number of ways of performing crochet, and as a result, it is possible to produce a range of different fabrics using crochet.
Many people of course learn crochet from members of their family. For example, your mother or grandmother may well have taught you how to do crochet, and perhaps even given you some crochet needles to help get you started. However, if you missed the opportunity and would like to teach yourself, that is definitely possible to - and the Internet can help - there are quite a number of web sites and other online resources that you may find very useful. Additionally, even if you know how to crochet already, you can pick up lots of ideas, patterns, and even learn new stitches from these types of web sites.
By S. Tanna. Discover how to learn crochet at http://www.downloadfocus.com/cat_hobbies_crochet.php
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sunil_Tanna