Learn How to Crochet By Sunil Tanna
Crochet is a crafting activity that involves creating a fabric from thread or yarn. This is achieved by using crochet needles to pull loops of the thread through other loops. Crochet needles come in a variety of sizes and materials, but each have a hook on the end.
The exact origins of crochet are not certain. It is likely that the word "crochet" comes from the Middle French word, "croc" or "croche" which means hook, and crochet first appears to have become popular in Europe during the 19th century - the earliest written reference to crochet appears in a book first published in 1812 (where it is referred to as "shepherd's knitting"). It is possible that crochet did evolve from older traditions, and there are theories that crochet evolved from earlier practices, perhaps in France, South America, Arabia or China.
Today crochet is a cottage industry in some parts of the world, and in some areas is even economically important, however it is probably fair to say that for many people crochet is simply a relaxing and creative hobby. This is because there is a lot of satisfaction to be gained from creating something beautiful using crochet.
Many people learn at least the basics of crochet by from their mothers, grandmothers or other family members. Of course, there are many style styles and stitches of crochet, and you might also want patterns for things that you could make, so even if you are lucky enough to have an expert crocheter in your family, you are unlikely to be able to rely on what they need you alone. If you want to learn more about crochet or perhaps download some patterns, you could do worse than look online - today there are many excellent web sites offering crochet tutorials, patterns and other information.
By S. Tanna. Discover more about Crochet at http://www.downloadfocus.com/cat_hobbies_crochet.php
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